ASTI tool: TRIVSA (sites/all/libraries/asti-tools/trivsa)
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A consolidated database of crop varietal releases, adoption, and research capacity in Asia

Andhra Pradesh - India/Sorghum-kharif overview

  • Local
  • Improved

40% of the Sorghum-kharif crop-growing area in Andhra Pradesh - India is estimated to be improved varieties in 2010

Andhra Pradesh - India/Sorghum-kharif releases

  • < 1960
  • 1960s
  • 1970s
  • 1980s
  • 1990s
  • 2000s
  • 2010s

Total number of released varieties: 97

Andhra Pradesh - India/Sorghum-kharif adoption

Hover over the pie chart for additional information (if available).

Andhra Pradesh - India/Sorghum-kharif researchers

National Agricultural Researchers - Full time equivalents by discipline and education*

* No state-level information available.