Publication cover


Gert-Jan Stads, Sandra Perez, Angelica Londoño, and Nienke Beintema




International Food Policy Research Institute and Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research

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After years of stagnation, government support for agricultural R&D increased with the 2011 launch of the National Research, Development, and Innovation Agenda and significant reforms in the national royalty system. Corpoica, Colombia’s main agricultural R&D agency, has benefited greatly from these developments.

Producer associations play a critical role in agricultural research, differentiating Colombia’s agricultural R&D system from its South American counterparts. Research conducted by the largest producer associations is predominantly funded through commodity taxes levied on production or exports.

The number of agricultural researchers employed in Colombia remained stagnant during 2004–2012 at around 1,000 FTEs, but increased substantially in 2013 due to an influx of BSc-qualified researchers.