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International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

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In the current climate of population growth, climate change, and shifting diets, it is vital to be able to track the funding, functioning, and impact of agricultural research in order to improve efficiency, promote evidence-based decisionmaking, and demonstrate impact.  Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI)--globally recognized as the trusted source of agricultural research statistics and analyses for the developing world--must continue to evolve to increase its impact within a complex environment of priority-setting, funding allocation, and policymaking.

"ASTI Future Strategic Directions: Concept Note" lays out a future vision for the program that recognizes that the program’s long-term sustainability and impact ultimately depend on countries taking ownership of their national data, and that more focus is needed on effective data analyses and creative outreach activities to ensure that targeted messages are incorporated into national and regional decision-making processes.