Data updates for Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and Vietnam

Data and analyses for Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and Vietnam are now available on ASTI’s website. A new series of country briefs is also available, offering a detailed overview of these countries’ agricultural research systems.

Southeast Asia has made considerable progress in building and strengthening its agricultural R&D capacity since the year 2000. All countries in the region reported a rise in the number of agricultural researchers, considerable improvements in researcher qualification levels, and increased involvement of women in agricultural R&D. A regional aggregation of country-level expenditure data reveals that, overall, agricultural research spending has remained fairly stagnant during the decade leading to 2017. In the meantime, Southeast Asia’s agricultural GDP has continued to grow, resulting in a considerable drop in the region’s agricultural research intensity ratio. As of 2017, all countries were deemed to be underinvesting in agricultural R&D based on benchmarks for countries with similar economic and agricultural characteristics, and similar potential to take advantage of technology spillovers.

Actual intensity ratios and attainable targets, 2017

figure illustrating Actual intensity ratios and attainable targets, 2017

See the following data pages and publications for further information:


The updates for Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, and Vietnam were released under ASTI Indo-Pacific, a partnership between IFPRI and the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI), designed to strengthen ASTI’s data collection, analyses, and outreach in the region.

ASTI Indo-Pacific incorporates a large number of country partners. These partners have adopted responsibility for coordinating their national data surveys and for promoting the use of ASTI evidence in national policy and decisionmaking processes.

map of South East Asia