Afrique au sud du Sahara
África al sur del Sahara

La recherche agricole en Afrique: Investir dans les futures récoltes: Synopsis

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Depuis le passage au nouveau millénaire, l’Afrique au sud du Sahara (ASS) a connu une croissance économique sans précédent : dans la plupart des pays africains, les taux de pauvreté ont régulièrement diminué et les sources de revenus en zone rurale se sont améliorées. Nombre de pays sont toutefois confrontés à des défis de taille — volatilité et augmentation des prix des denrées alimentaires et effets néfastes du changement climatique —, qui les contraignent à accélérer sans délai leur productivité agricole.

John Lynam, Nienke Beintema, Johannes Roseboom, Ousmane Badiane
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Publié par
Institut international de recherche sur les politiques alimentaires
Publication Region

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John Lynam, Nienke Beintema, Johannes Roseboom, Ousmane Badiane, eds




International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Further information

Individual book chapter downloads are available on the IFPRI website

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Agriculture in Africa south of the Sahara is at a prospective tipping point. Growth has accelerated in the past decade, but is unsustainable given increasing use of finite resources.

Agricultural Research in Africa: Investing in Future Harvests discusses the need to shift to a growth path based on increased productivity—essential if Africa is to increase rural incomes and compete in both domestic and international markets. Such a shift ultimately requires building on evolving improvements that collectively translate to deepening rural innovation capacity.

Publication cover


John Lynam, Nienke Beintema, Johannes Roseboom, Ousmane Badiane, eds




International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Further information

The full book including Individual chapter downloads are available on the IFPRI website


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Agriculture in Africa south of the Sahara is at a prospective tipping point. Growth has accelerated in the past decade, but is unsustainable given increasing use of finite resources.

Agricultural Research in Africa: Investing in Future Harvests discusses the need to shift to a growth path based on increased productivity—essential if Africa is to increase rural incomes and compete in both domestic and international markets. Such a shift ultimately requires building on evolving improvements that collectively translate to deepening rural innovation capacity.

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Alejandro Nin-Pratt




International Food Policy Research Institute

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This study assesses the patterns of agricultural intensification in 40 African countries looking at the role fertilizer plays in the process. We propose a set of indicators that uses information on available agricultural land and land suitability to measure intensity of land use in agricultural production.

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Alejandro Nin-Pratt




International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

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The evidence of improved performance of agriculture in Africa south of the Sahara (SSA) in recent years has indeed been quite striking when compared with the past. For the first time, the sector has maintained a real growth rate of 3.4 percent per year, well above the population growth rate of 2.5 percent. Despite this improved performance, agricultural productivity growth in SSA continues to lag behind every other region of the world, growing at rates that are roughly half of the average rate of developing countries.

Évaluation des enjeux critiques relatifs aux capacités humaines, financières et institutionnelles de la R&D agricole en Afrique de l’Ouest : bilan et recommandations politiques

Submitted by astiadmin on

Vu l'importance de l'agriculture en Afrique de l'Ouest, la Communauté économique des États de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) a prié le Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles (CORAF) d’entreprendre une évaluation approfondie des capacités de la recherche agricole dans cette région, en examinant notamment les principales questions relatives aux institutions et à leurs ressources humaines et financières.

Gert-Jan Stads et Nienke Beintema
Cover image
Publié par
International Food Research Policy Institute et Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles.
Publication Region

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Gert - Jan Stads and Nienke Beintema




International Food Policy Research Institute and West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECAR)

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Given the importance of agriculture in West Africa, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) asked the West and Central African Council for Agricultural Research and Development (CORAF/WECARD) to undertake an in-depth  assessment of agricultural research capacity in the region focusing on key institutional, human resource, and financial resource issues. The assessment is a critical input into the development of national and regional agricultural policy recommendations, which will in turn feed into a regional agricultural research strategy for West Africa.

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Nienke Beintema and Gert-Jan Stads




International Food Policy Research Institute

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High population growth, deteriorating soils, climate change, and volatile food prices are major factors affecting food security in Africa south of the Sahara (SSA). To respond effectively to these challenges, agricultural productivity in the region needs to be accelerated without delay.

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