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Beintema, Nienke; Lwezaura, Deogratias and Rahija, Michael




International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); and Department of Research and Development (DRD)

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National agricultural R&D spending increased by 5 percent during 2008–2011, primarily due to increased government support; nonetheless, spending as a share of agricultural GDP remained fairly constant.

Although the national number of BSc-qualified researchers increased by 20 percent during 2008–2011, substantially increasing Tanzania’s total number of researchers, the number of researchers with PhD qualifications declined by 20 FTEs during this timeframe.

In 2010 steps were taken to transform DRD and DRTE from government divisions to semiautonomous bodies in order to provide greater flexibility in recruitment, funding, and operating procedures. DRTE became TALIRI in 2012 and DRD is expected to become the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute by the end of 2013.