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Data sources

Primary data were collected through five consecutive institutional survey rounds in 2003-2004, 2008-2009, 2012-2013, 2015-2016, and 2017-2018 (under ASTI).

For additional secondary sources that were used to construct the pre-2001 data series, see: reference list in Stads, Fatajo, and Kunjo (2004) Download PDF

Estimation procedures

  • For a number of agencies, research staff and expenditure data were missing for certain years. These have been interpolated or in a few cases extrapolated.
  • Expenditures for the higher-education agencies are estimates based on the average expenditures per researcher for the government agencies.
  • Salaries and living expenses of many expatriate researchers working on donor-supported projects at the (often main) agricultural research agencies are paid directly by their respective agency. The average implicit costs of expatriate R&D staff were calculated in the early 2000s (see appendix 2 in Roseboom and Pardey 1994, Download PDF), and have been extrapolated to more recent years using salary averages of a few CGIAR centers.

For general ASTI data procedures and methodology, please visit
